Hello friends
My second innovation is:
(2) location tracking device : I invented this circuit for safety purpose
only. In india safety of women’s is very
important. And also a small kids and student are not safe. There are so many
cases of kidnapping and rap. So my location tracking circuit Is track a live
location of kids, child , student. And we can see a location on my website and
android application
My device is note only provided a live location but provide
a sos button for emergency occur also.
When a user are in any critical situation they can press a sos button provided
on my circuit. And send an emergency alert massage on parents mobile number
I also provided a safe zone on my android application . a
parents can set safe zone area. When a
child enter and cross a safe zone perents recived a notification on mobile
Provided a live location
Sos button for emergency alert
Safe zone
Offline search
Compact in size
Very light weight
Thank you
(Please scroll down and find attach image file

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